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What Ice Road Truckers Taught Us: 10 Useful Lessons for Truck Drivers
December 11, 2023

What Ice Road Truckers Taught Us: 10 Useful Lessons for Truck Drivers

Ice Road Truckers, the TV series we all watched from 2007 to 2017, was more than a thrilling show – it was a glimpse into the lives of truck drivers navigating the Northern areas. It wasn't just entertainment; it was a classroom for truckers to learn from. In this read, we'll discuss the ten important lessons that real-life truck drivers can take from the adventures of Ice Road Truckers. These lessons are all about safety, resilience, and dealing with the unique challenges of the road.

But first, let’s take a look at some of the realities…

The realities of ice road trucking

When you drive big trucks on icy roads, it's more than just a job. It's an adventure filled with challenges. Ice road truckers go through real challenges, not just on TV. Let's explore what these challenges are like and what truck drivers need to be ready for when they hit those icy highways.

  1. Tough weather: Temperatures can drop significantly, even to well below freezing. This can lead to icy and slippery road conditions. Snowstorms and whiteout conditions are common, making visibility and safe driving a constant challenge.
  2. Ice risk: Ice roads are literally built on frozen water, like lakes and rivers. The ice's thickness can vary, and it's crucial to know when it's thick enough to support the weight of a truck. Truck drivers need to be aware of the latest ice conditions, which can change quickly, especially in early or late winter when the ice is thinnest.
  3. Long drives with no help: Ice road truckers are usually on long journeys, and they might encounter a long road with no available services or assistance for miles. This means they need carry their own essential supplies, such as food, water, and emergency equipment, to survive in these isolated conditions.
  4. Accident risk: Slippery roads, reduced visibility, and harsh weather conditions make accidents more likely on ice roads. Truck drivers need to be highly skilled and cautious operators, constantly alert and focused on avoiding accidents.
  5. Hard to communicate: In remote areas where ice roads are often found, there may be no phone signal. This makes it challenging for truckers to communicate with others, including their families and employers. They might need alternative communication methods, like satellite phones.
  6. Short time: Ice roads have a limited open season due to fluctuating weather patterns. Truckers must maximize this short window of opportunity to make their deliveries. This time constraint requires careful planning and efficient driving to ensure that all necessary goods are transported during this period.
  7. Weight limits: Due to the fragile nature of the ice, there are strict weight limits imposed on trucks. Exceeding these limits can put the integrity of the ice and the driver's safety at risk. Truckers must adhere to these weight limits and carefully plan their loads.
  8. Roads can close: When the weather gets extremely bad, roads can close temporarily. Truckers may need to pull over and wait for improved conditions, which can impact their schedules and deliveries. They need to be prepared to cope with such delays.
  9. Truck problems: Extreme cold can be tough on trucks, often causing mechanical issues. Repairing a truck in freezing temperatures is extremely challenging. Truckers need to know some basic maintenance and carry tools and spare parts to address common issues.

Ten lessons we learned from Ice Road Truckers

Now that we know some basic challenges and realities of being on an icy road as a truck driver, let’s take a look at the top ten lessons we learned from the tv series itself. 

Lesson 1: Safety first, always 

In trucking, safety is non-negotiable, and Ice Road Truckers drove this point home. It showed how one wrong move on icy roads could lead to disaster. For real-life truckers, it's a reminder that safety should always come first. It's about being alert, patient, and following safety guidelines at all times.

Lesson 2: Plan every detail 

The show emphasized the need for thorough trip planning. Real-life truckers can learn to keep their trucks well-maintained, well-equipped, and inspected before setting off. It's about knowing your route and preparing for unexpected weather challenges.

Lesson 3: Adapt to the unexpected 

In extreme conditions, you need to adapt quickly. The series had drivers facing unpredictable weather and changing landscapes. Real-world truckers can use this lesson by being flexible and ready to deal with unexpected problems that may come on their journey.

Lesson 4: Fear is okay, courage is vital 

Fear is normal when you're facing danger, but courage sets you apart. Ice Road Truckers showed drivers pushing through fear to get the job done. Real-life truckers can learn that being scared is fine, but it's their courage that keeps them going. 

Lesson 5: Teamwork makes the dream work 

The series highlighted how teamwork helps overcome obstacles. In the trucking business, especially in long-haul operations, working well with your team and support staff can make a huge difference in safety and efficiency. 

Lesson 6: Be resourceful 

Unforeseen problems are common on the road. The show Ice Road Truckers taught us to be resourceful. Real-life truckers can learn to handle unexpected situations and minor repairs. It can save time, money, and even lives.

Lesson 7: Keep learning 

The trucking industry evolves with time and staying informed is vital. Ice Road Truckers drivers kept up with changing weather conditions and routes. Real-world truckers can stay updated with industry trends, safety regulations, and new technology.

Lesson 8: Experience counts 

The drivers on the show were often experienced pros. Novice truckers can understand that experience is their best teacher. Patience, time, and practice make them better at what they do.

Lesson 9: Battling isolation 

On the show, drivers often spent extended periods alone. Dealing with isolation is a critical skill for long-haul truckers. It's important to find ways to stay connected with loved ones and stay mentally engaged during long trips. We see so many drivers even taking their pets along on their journeys.

Lesson 10: Respect the environment 

Ice Road Truckers taught us to respect fragile ecosystems. Truck drivers should always learn and focus to minimize their impact and be respectful of the environment they pass through.

What’s your favorite lesson?

In the end, Ice Road Truckers wasn't just a TV series; it was a glimpse into the challenging and rewarding world of extreme trucking. The lessons it offered are very valuable – on safety, resilience, preparation, and adaptability. By using these lessons, truck drivers can make their journeys safer, more efficient, and more successful on the open road.

So, as you go back to your own journey, remember these lessons. Now, the question is, which lesson do you like the most?

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Author: Road Legends

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